With professional development in many departments focusing solely on officer qualifications, we often overlook the development needs of our most impressionable members as they navigate the time period covering probation until their first promotion. This 2 hour course aims to educate our newest members on how to prepare themselves for a successful career while simultaneously assisting operational and administrative officers build proactive professional development models to educate and prepare the next generation of their departments. A twist on "things I wish I had known", Probie to Promotee combines the things our junior members want to know with the things they need to know!
The target audience of this class is members with 5 years or less on the job and those who may not have been given the tools to succeed as junior members when they entered the fire service. Officers and chiefs will also benefit from this course as it provides strategies for establishing professional development programs for the junior ranks of their departments.
Interested in filling the missing link of professional development at your department or conference?
Click here to request for more information on the curriculum, availability, and estimated cost.